
The New International Encyclopædia/Dieterici, Friedrich

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Edition of 1905. See also Friedrich Dieterici on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

667444The New International Encyclopædia — Dieterici, Friedrich

DIETERICI, dē'te-rē'tsḗ. Friedrich (1821-1903). A German Orientalist, born in Berlin. He studied at the universities of Halle and Berlin, traveled extensively in the East, and in 1856 was appointed professor of Semitic literature in the University of Berlin. He won particular distinction by his researches in the Arabic language and literature. The long list of his published works include: Alfiyyah Carmen Grammaticum Auctore Ibn Malik cum Commentario Ibn Akil (1851); Mutanabii Carmina cum Commentario Wahidii (1858); Die Philosophie der Araber im neunten und zehnten Jahrhundert nach Christus (1876); and Die Abhandlungen der Ichwȧn Es-Safȧ in Auswahl (1883-86).